It was a day when we the children of the rich lands of Africa, which our ancestors fought for; joined together as one in equilibrium as we claim proprium to their sweat and tears.

We celebrate by honouring and showing gratitude for the lives lost in battles for liberation through playing traditional songs, reciting poems in our mother tongues and showcasing what our traditions have in store for audiences.

We raise our flags high in thanks and with our heads held as, we, in unity, stand strong, as zeal and empathy umbrellas across different backgrounds and cultures, filling up souls of Africa with the warm feeling of love for our motherland. The oneness and joy eliminate callosity from faces of the hurt, making them beam with pride for the countries and traditions in their souls.

We become united and combine the many vibrant African cultures making us a continent of different traditions but one beautiful family.

Africa the land of great people, Land of Love, land of Ubuntu!